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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: red nosed parrot

nguliik taik saala

I. N

1. animal,bird,dom. red nosed parrot


nguliik taik saala
parrot the feathers just above a bird's bill red


  • Etnográfica:
    This has been a common parrot on the South Atlantic Coast, and one that has often been kept as a pet. In Cane Creek and Aguila, people often let their parrots fly free; they are half-tame, meaning that they purposefully come around and into the house looking for cooked food or raw fruits to eat, but they usually won't let you pick them up. Then they often fly off with wild parrots for a while. These half-tamed parrots are birds that were taken or fell from nests as babies, and then tamed, it is said, by feeding them salted food.
  • Léxica:
    "taik" refers to the feathers just above the bill, not the bill and not the nose, which is on the bill.